Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Summer's Almost Over!

It's so hard to believe that the first day of school is just over two weeks away!  I hope you all get to soak up every last bit of summer vacation.  And while you're doing that, I just want to update everyone on some exciting events and dates coming up for our first year as a BROWNIES!

If you girl is going to continue on as a Brownie, please let us know by renewing your membership ASAP!  You can also find the link is in the upper right hand corner of this blog.  You'll need to click under Current and Past Members to create a login name for your daughter.  It helps to use the first email you provided when you first registered your daughter as a new member; that will help find your daughter's name that is already stored in the system.  If you're not sure what e-mail that is, let me know and I can look it up for you.

This is also a great chance for parents to register or renew their membership as adult members if you plan to volunteer with any troop activities.  This registration is mandatory if you want to chaperone any troop events and meetings.  YOUR INVOLVEMENT IS GREATLY WELCOMED!  Specifically, we are looking to add TWO Assistant Troop Leaders.  Maila and Erica are not disappearing, but the more help we have, the better experience we can make for our girls.  If being a leader is not up your alley, there are tons more ways to get involved.  We are going to need a Cookie Mom, a Finance Manager, Drivers and Chaperones, so please consider some ways you would like to be involved this year!  If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact Maila or Erica.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012
La Grande Park
3:00PM - 5:00PM

This is going to be a fun party to kick off the GS year for all of the SP-F members.  It's not a troop event, but all registered girl scouts are invited to attend.  It's also a great chance for us all to participate in a mass bridging to the Brownie level.  If you plan to be there, you can purchase your wristband for $2 by contacting Angie Voorhees.  They will only be available through her until August 28th!  The cost of the wristband includes a patch.  Everyone attending is asked to bring a non-perishable food item to donate to a local food pantry.  Let us know if you can come with a comment below so we can look out for you.  I can also pick up and drop off a few girls to the event if that helps!