Friday, October 19, 2012

Fall Nut Sale Due Back THIS MONDAY!

Just a reminder that fall nut sale orders, payments and permissions slips (pink) are due back on Monday, October 22nd.  Maila will be outside of School One Monday morning at drop off if you'd like to hand it to her then.  Otherwise, please make arrangements to drop it off at her home before then!  Any checks should be made out to Troop 40982.

Friday, October 5, 2012

October News


I hope everyone is healthy and well with the change of seasons. I really feel like the flu/cold season has made an early entrance this year. I'm just recovering from the flu and bronchitis, and it's barely October!

I just want to send few notes and reminders before the holiday weekend is over:

We will be welcoming a new Brownie to our troop, Bianca Valente, who will be joining us for our first troop meeting on...

Thursday, October 11th - Troop Meeting, 3:15pm-4:45pm
Please remember to include a note for your daughter's teacher and aftercare staff to inform them of our Brownie meeting and that she will be dismissed with Maila Acampora and Erica Kang. Please also drop us a note on Thursday via e-mail or text to let us know if your daughter will need to return to aftercare or if someone will be picking her up at the end of our meeting. We will dismiss the troop in the front of the school.

Fall Nut/Magazine Sale is in full swing! This is a great way to get an early start on those Christmas teacher gifts! Please have all orders, payments, and permission slip returned by Monday, October 22. This is a great way to help our troop raise money to help offset the start-up fees for each girl scout, which we use throughout the year for patches, pins, craft supplies and snacks.

On Thursday, October 25th, we will be having our trip to the Scotch Plains TD Bank. We will meet the girls in the School One lobby. The girls will need to bring the bank we crafted together in June with coins they may have saved up or any jar of coins to use in the penny arcade. We will be having a snack in the bank. Parents can pick up the girls in the bank at approximately 5:30pm. If there are any girls that need to return to aftercare, we will arrange to have them back at School One. If anyone is available to chaperone or provide transportation to and from this event, please let us know. If your daughter is attending this trip, please sign and return the permission slip by our next troop meeting on Thursday, October 11. (You will need to be signed into your e-mail account for the link to work properly. You should also be receiving a separate e-mail with a link to view and print the permission slip. Let me know if you have any trouble!)