Tuesday, December 11, 2012

December Update!

A BIG THANK YOU for all those who braved the cold weather last Thursday during our Tiny Tim Caroling event last week.  Who knew spreading holiday cheer through fun singing could make such a difference?  We were able to collect a total of $185.85 to to contribute to the Tiny Tim Fund, which provides financial assistance to children in Fanwood and Scotch Plains who are in need of medical care and cannot afford it.

Troop Meeting - THIS THURSDAY, 12/13 at 3:15pm - 4:45pm
We'll be doing a special holiday craft this Thursday, so be sure to include a note for your daughters' teachers and aftercare personnel.  Pick up will be in the front of the school.  Be sure to drop us a note if anyone will need to return to aftercare.

And a big and special thanks to everyone's participation in our fall nut sale.  Through the sales, we were able to raise nearly $300!  Our top magazine seller was Mackenzie followed by Olivia.  Our top nut seller was Melania followed by Riley and Sarah.  And our top "thank you" nut and magazine donor was Sarah.  Our troop was the 4th highest seller in the council, so thanks again for your efforts and support!!!