Tuesday, February 5, 2013

February Update / Next Troop Meeting This THURSDAY 2/7

Hope this update finds you all healthy and warm.  I wouldn't mind this cold weather if there were some significant snowfall, but I guess we cannot afford to make up any snow days this year!  Perhaps the groundhog really will be right in predicting an early spring... I know that will make a lot of you happy.

First of all, we are having our next troop meeting THIS THURSDAY 2/7, so please remember to pack any necessary notes in your daughter's folder for teachers and aftercare personnel.  We're asking everyone to please bring an old shirt to be used as a smock.  (If you haven't submitted the Art of Painting permission slip and $15 check payable to Troop 40982, please remember to include it in your daughter's folder for the next meeting.  See details about trip below.)  Dismissal will be at 4:50 in the front door.  We plan to put in some community service hours by crafting cards for wounded soldiers.  We'll also be collecting questions we'll be asking a guest artist who will be speaking to our troop on THURSDAY 2/21.

COOKIE SALE ENDS on Friday, 2/15.  Maila will be in the front of the school that morning collecting the orders and money.  She will be in the multi-purpose room in the afternoon teaching a BSE class, so you can also drop it off then.  If neither of those times is convenient, then please make arrangements to drop it off at her house at 170 Glenside Avenue.  Please remember to include one check payable to Troop 40982.

On Thursday, 2/21, we will be having a meeting at Maila's home to hear from our guest artist via Skype.  We will transport the girls to her home after dismissal and have our meeting there.  Please include a note that your daughter will be dismissed with Maila and Erica for a girl scout meeting.  Our meeting will conclude at 5pm, so please make arrangements to pick up your daughter at Maila's home at that time.

Our March troop meeting will be on Thursday, 3/14 at School One

Dates to Remember:
Friday, March 1, 2013- Me and My Guy Dance, 7:00pm-9:30pm
Thank you in advance for those who volunteered to help before, during and after the dance.  We still need a couple of volunteers so if you can help out either before, during or after is appreciated!

March 16, 2013- The Art of Painting, 3pm-6pm
If your girls need a ride, please drop them off at Maila's home by 2:20pm. Otherwise we'll meet everyone else at the event.

April 4, 2013 - Troop Cookie Booth Sale at Fanwood Station, 3:30pm-6:30pm
We plan to have the girls sign up in shifts so everyone is not there for the entire three hours, so stay tuned.

April 8-15 - Clothing Drive for Hurricane Sandy Victims.
You can drop off collected items at my house any day from April 8-15. We welcome donations from families, friends, and neighbors.  We are collecting the following items listed below.  The girls will be sorting them on Friday, April 19 from 3:20-5:30 pm and we'll have dinner together afterwards.
- clean, gently worn clothes
- clean paired shoes, sneakers
- hand bags
- linens
- clean stuffed animals

May 31, 2013- WNBA NY Liberty- May 31, 2013 @ 7pm
Fee for Brownie - cost will be paid by the troop
Family and siblings $11 each person
NJ Transit- Vikki is looking into getting a group rate for us. Please let us know if you will be interested to travel via Nj transit.

We would like to invite you to volunteer to teach in one of our troop meeting. It is a great experience for you and your daughter will love to have you there. We will provide you with the lesson plan, you just need to be creative how to teach it.  Please let me or Erica know if you are interested in volunteering.
Possible Topics:
- Snacks
- Girl Scout Way
- Money Manager
- Household Elf
- Senses
- My Great Day