Monday, June 18, 2012

Bridging to Brownie Ceremony POSTPONED!

Upon some further consideration, the Bridging to Brownie ceremony that we originally planned to have this Saturday, 6/23 has been postponed to the fall. We know this may come as a disappointment to some of your girls, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. But we actually think holding off the ceremony until the fall will be best for a couple of reasons:

1 - We'd like to bridge the girls who are definitely going to continue as Brownies in the fall. There are a number of materials such as the sash that will be required for this new chapter in our troop, and we want to be sensitive to those who may not want to spend the money on materials they may not need.

2 - It's looking like a fair number of the girls won't be able to make the ceremony due to soccer matches, travel, and other commitments, and it's really more worthwhile to have all the girls be there for this transitional ceremony. Postponing the event to the fall will be a better way to reunite and regroup for the upcoming school year. We've set a tentative date for the morning of Saturday, September 15, 2012.

If your girl is certain she wants to continue as a Brownie, don't hesitate to register and renew your daughter's membership for the 2012-2013 year. (Information about this is on the previous post.) This will help us plan our meeting dates, reserve rooms and dates at the school, and schedule other fun events for the year. Remember that GSHNJ has made it a lot easier to renew and register our troop members online, so be sure to take advantage of this great new portal.  See the links on the upper right hand corner of the blog.

Maila will be distributing the remainder of your Daisy's patches after school this Tuesday, so look out for little baggies with their new patches. Maila will also follow up with a progress report to help you complete your girl's tunic. Keep those tunics in a safe place this summer as we'll need them for the Bridging to Brownie ceremony in the fall. If you have any questions about the patches or have any other suggestions for the new year, be sure to let us know. We welcome your help and your input!

And lastly, we're not disappearing this summer! We'd love to schedule some informal get-togethers at the park, so stay in touch!!!

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