Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Post-Sandy Update!

Wow!  What a wild and crazy few weeks it's been.  I hope this post finds you all safe, healthy, and warm.  We have our next troop meeting this THURSDAY, 11/15 after school.  It will definitely be nice to see everyone's smiley faces to help bring back a sense of "normal" after our long "hurrication" and all the disruption we have all experienced.

Our fall nut sale orders are IN!  The council is asking for volunteers to help sort all the orders WEDNESDAY, 11/14 (TOMORROW) from 8:00am-12:00pm.  We will be meeting at the LaGrande Park Building in Fanwood.  If you can help even just a part of the time, I know it will be of great help.

We will be distributing our nut orders after our meeting this Thursday.  If you are not able to receive your orders at this time, please let us know so we can make other arrangements.  If you have not submitted the pink permission slip that accompanied your nut packet, please do so by this Thursday.  There is still a remaining balance on a few of the orders, so if you know you still need to submit payments, please also do so by Thursday.  If this applies to you, Maila will be contacting you individually in a separate e-mail.

And just a friendly reminder to include a note for your daughter's teacher and aftercare personnel and the brown sash!  On Thursday, please meet us at the front of the building from 4:45pm-5:00pm to pick up your daughter along with your nut orders.  If your daughter needs to return to aftercare, please also drop one of us a text or e-mail just so we know.

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