Monday, January 7, 2013

Happy New Year!

I hope this update finds everyone's 2013 off to a great start!  January promises to be an eventful month for our troop, so please read and sync up your calendars!

LAST CALL for permission slips!  We'd really like to provide the final list to Panera, so if you haven't already submitted your slips or confirmed if your daughter is coming, PLEASE let us know ASAP.
We'll be leaving from School One after school and traveling to Panera in Watchung on Route 22E.  Pickup will be at Panera Bread around 5:00pm (maybe sooner).  If your daughter needs to return to aftercare, please let us know so we can make proper arrangements.

COOKIES!  It's that time again!  We'll begin distributing cookie sales packets after the Panera trip.  (HOWEVER, the cookie sales don't officially begin until 1/14/13.)
Remember to make sure of the following:
- Your daughter must be registered for 2012-2013 year to sell cookies.
- Please sign and return the accompanying permission slip included in the cookie packet before starting  sales.  Everyone actually completed a permission slip earlier in the year with our Fall Nut Sale, so no other permission slip is necessary.
- Sale Goal: We would like for each girl to at least receive a cookie patch (25 boxes).

Troop Meeting Next Thursday, 1/17/13  1/24/13
We'll be meeting after school from 3:15pm - 4:45pm.  Please remember to include any notes for teachers and aftercare personnel.  (I'll send out another reminder that week.)

This will be a bug-badge-earning event without any sting!  Please submit your permission slips and $20 payment if you haven't done so already.  We need to submit final payment to guarantee our spots.  
Unfortunately, the event has been CANCELLED.  We will refund everyone's payments this Thursday.

FRIENDLY REQUEST:  When making a payment for events, activities, or cookie sales, we'd greatly appreciate it if payment is made in the form of a check (rather than cash) if possible.  This helps ensure the fees/monies will be allocated toward the appropriate activity and prevents it from getting into the wrong hands in case it gets lost in transit.  Checks are always made out to "Troop 40982."

MARK YOUR CALENDARS:  Me and My Guy Dance / Masquerade Ball will be held on Friday, March 1st.  Please return slips and fee to Maila no later than January 26, 2013!

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