Tuesday, January 17, 2012

January Update

Happy New Year!

Now that the holidays are already behind us, I hope this e-mail finds everyone's new year off to a great start. I'm just writing a friendly reminder that we'll be meeting NEXT Wednesday, January 18, 2012 from 3:10pm-4:30pm.  If you haven't already marked your calendars, here are a few dates to note: 

FRIDAY, January 20, 2012 
Movie Night / Pajama Party at the Acampora Residence
170 Glenside Ave, Scotch Plains, NJ
*PLEASE e-mail us to let us know if your girls plan to attend this event. Also let us know if any of your girls need a ride after school as Maila or I will be able to take them.
**Please send the girls to school with their PJs if they are leaving straight from school

SATURDAY, January 28, 2012
Me and My Guy Dance St. Bartholomew School (off Westfield Ave)
*Unfortunately this event is now closed so no more participants are being accepted.
**However if you have not paid the $25 yet, please do so by our next meeting.

FEES for the "All About Swaps" event (Sat 2/4 - $20), but $12 for those who attended the Pumpkin Picking Trip) and "Spring Lambing" (Wed 4/18 - $12) are also needed by our next meeting on January 18th.

Daisy Day permission slips will be distributed at our next meeting, so keep an eye out for those after our next meeting.

We'll also begin selling Girl Scout Cookies after January 23rd. More details will follow. Thanks in advance to our Cookie Mom, Luisa Bianco!!

Here is the list of permission slips we have received. Be sure to let us know if you think anything below is inaccurate.
1. Melania - Dance, All About Swaps, Spring Lambing
2. Jenai - Dance, All About Swaps, Spring Lambing
3. Elisa - Dance, All About Swaps, Spring Lambing
4. Orencia - All about Swaps, Spring lambing
5. MacKenzie - Dance, Spring Lambing
6. Aly - Dance, All About Swaps, Spring Lambing
7. Paige - Dance, All About Swaps,
8. Annie - Dance, All About Swaps,
9. Nancy - Dance
10. Olivia - Dance, All About Swaps, Spring Lambing
11. Riley - Dance, Spring Lambing
12. Sarah- dance, all about swaps, spring lambing
13. Jessica - All About Swaps
14. Ivana - Dance Thanks again for your continued support! Looking forward to spending time with your girls next week!

 Maila & Erica

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