Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Spring Lambing Event: TOMORROW!!!

Hope this update finds everyone well rested and staying cool after the long Memorial Day weekend.  Or if you're like me, maybe you're still recovering and trying to catch up!  I apologize for sending this reminder out a little later than I would have liked.

Our troop's visit to the Valley Shepherd Creamery for our Spring Lambing tour will take place TOMORROW after school.  I'm sure you all know by now that the girls will also be coming back from their field trip to Alstede Farms in Chester, so please pack them plenty of snacks and perhaps freeze some water bottles as tomorrow promises to be another scorcher!  Thanks in advance to those who will be chaperoning the trip with Maila and myself.  The plan is to have the girls back at School One by 6:00 PM.

It would be helpful if everyone could respond and confirm if your daughter will be coming tomorrow by commenting on this post or by e-mail!  Thanks!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Highlights from our K-9 event

We learned about respecting authority and police dogs last Thursday at the Fanwood Library.  Here are a couple pictures and some video from the event.

Next Meeting: This Wednesday, 5/16/12

We'll be meeting this Wednesday after school to learn about what it will be like to be a Brownie and prepare for our bridging ceremony in June, so this is one meeting your Daisy will not want to miss!  Please remember to pack a note for your child's teacher and/or after-care staff.

REMINDER:  Spring Lambing trip to the Valley Shepherd Creamery on Wednesday, May 30th after school.

UPDATE:  Our scheduled trip to TD BANK on June 13th due to a scheduling conflict of the bank.  We plan to make a trip there as a troop later this fall.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Vote for a good cause!

(Thanks for passing this along Vikki!)

The Girl Scouts of NJ / Camp Lou Henry Hoover (where our Daisy Day event took place) has been chosen by the BoatUS Foundation to be eligible to receive low cost life jackets to replace the ones they have now.  Please vote for Camp Hoover every day until May 15th so they can be this year's Teens Afloat recipients!

Reminders for May

Just sending out a reminder of our K-9 event this THURSDAY, May 10th at the Fanwood Public Library from 6pm-7pm.  This is chance for your Daisy to earn her "respect authority" petal.  There will be a visit from a local police officer with a real K-9 giving a talk to our troop as well as other area local troops.  Hope to see you all there!

We've decided NOT to participate in the MEMORIAL DAY PARADE due to the few number of girls able to make it.  Thanks to those of you who submitted the permission slips anyway.  Hope you enjoy the unofficial kickoff of summer with some good BBQ!

Daisy Day Fun!

There were so many fun memories made during our Daisy Day outing.  Here are just a few snapshots and a video clip from the day.  The icky-sticky, ooey-gooey glue on the bug jars... the epic hikes from station to station... learning to sew a running stitch... mastering the art of marshmallow roasting and s'more making... singing about becoming shark bait, turning into a paraplegic and swallowing worms... and I'm sure there were even more stories from the car rides there and back!  Most notably, there was me (Erica) trying to ask for directions from some horses, deer, vultures, cows, and wild turkey and Riley's talented ability to snack, share her snack and give herself a makeover in the car all at the same time.  What was your fun memory from the day?