Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Daisy Day Fun!

There were so many fun memories made during our Daisy Day outing.  Here are just a few snapshots and a video clip from the day.  The icky-sticky, ooey-gooey glue on the bug jars... the epic hikes from station to station... learning to sew a running stitch... mastering the art of marshmallow roasting and s'more making... singing about becoming shark bait, turning into a paraplegic and swallowing worms... and I'm sure there were even more stories from the car rides there and back!  Most notably, there was me (Erica) trying to ask for directions from some horses, deer, vultures, cows, and wild turkey and Riley's talented ability to snack, share her snack and give herself a makeover in the car all at the same time.  What was your fun memory from the day?

1 comment:

  1. You described the day perfectly! Thank you for the pics posted!
    Thank you very much Erica!
