Thursday, September 20, 2012

Bridging Ceremony


Just a few notes to help prepare for the bridging ceremony THIS SATURDAY at 10:30am at the SP LDS church, located at 1781 Raritan Road, Scotch Plains.  I plan to have balloons near the entrance to indicate where we will be gathering.

- Please have your girl bring her Daisy Tunic with all patches affixed.
- We have prepared the Brownie sashes to give the girls during the ceremony.
- I will be sending out the words via e-mail to a song that Maila composed to the tune of "I Love Candy."  So be on the lookout for that by the end of the day.  We rehearsed it back in June, but I'm sure a review of the words and tune will help.
- And lastly, it would be wonderful if any of you could help out by bringing the following to the event:

  • Box of Joe (Coffee) for the adults
  • Donuts and/or munchkins or some kind of treat
  • Fruit platter or fruit salad
  • Paper plates, cups, utensils, napkins
  • Bagels and cream cheese/butter
  • Muffins
  • Juice for the kids
Whatever you decide to bring, it doesn't have to be much.  There are ten girls in our troop to consider and whichever adults will be accompanying.  Please post what you plan to bring by commenting below (or send me an e-mail if you are unsuccessful).  

Thanks again!  Looking forward to bridging with everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Great! So we have drinks, we have munckins so far! I'm sorry some of you are having difficulty with commenting!
