Tuesday, September 11, 2012

We all scream for ice cream!

Just a reminder of the ice cream social I'll be hosting this Thursday evening from 6:30-7:30pm.  Feel free to drop in and get your ice cream during this time.  Please let me (Erica) know via e-mail or comment below know if you are planning to come so I have enough ice cream and toppings for everyone!  My address is:

175 William Street, SP
Behind Grille Stone restaurant on Rt. 22 West, after Bowcraft and BP station.  If you miss William street, you can make the right on Harding and loop behind to William Street.  It will be the second to last house on the right (white house with red door).

This will be a great chance to catch up and collect the latest patches to complete your Daisy tunic before our bridging ceremony/parent meeting on Saturday, Sept. 22.

See you Thursday!

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