Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Happy Leap Day!

Just sending out a LAST CALL reminder to those of you who are still interested in having your girl participate in the BINGO BASH on March 23rd at St. Bart's.  I'm going to be outside of School One at dismissal tomorrow afternoon if you'd like to hand me the permission slip and $13 fee.  If your girl is in aftercare and wants to attend, please send the stuff with her to school and let me know via e-mail so I'll know to look for her; I will look for her in aftercare to collect the stuff.

In case you don't get to read this reminder before school tomorrow, feel free to drop by my home or Maila's home tomorrow evening.


Saturday, February 25, 2012

Volunteers, Bingo, and More...

Our last meeting with GS Troop 40751 was so much fun.  Special thanks to Dawn Mattos and Nicole Virga for hosting our troop!  It was a great time getting to bond with the other girls and share SWAPs.  Pictures will be posted shortly!

Some of you might have received a flyer about another event we'd like to participate in.  BINGO BASH will take place on Friday, March 23rd  at St. Bart's from 4:00pm -6:00pm.  Space is very limited for this very popular and fun event, so we'll need to act fast to hold our spot.  It's $13 per Daisy, and from what I've heard it's lots of fun with great prizes for everyone.  Click on the link above to download the form and submit it to Maila or myself NO LATER THAN Wednesday, February 29th if you'd like your girl to participate.  Depending on how many girls attend, we'll also need some volunteers to accompany us; if you are available to help us that evening, please let us know!  (Adding a comment below is probably the easiest way to do that!)

Also, we'll need some chaperones and drivers to attend the Spring Lambing event on Wednesday, April 18th.  It's at the Long Valley Creamery in Long Valley, NJ.  We'll be leaving right after school and returning by 6:00pm.  Please let us know if you'd be available to attend this event as well.  We already have 12 girls signed up, so we'll definitely need some help!

And finally, thanks to all of you who participated in our cookie sales!  Our troop has collected orders for a grand total of 918 boxes!  That's a lot of cookies!  =D  Special props to Jenai B., who accounted for nearly a quarter of those sales!

And lastly, if you have any questions about this or anything else, don't hesitate to let us know!

Monday, February 20, 2012


I hope everyone is enjoying their extra long weekend!  I just want to remind you that we will be meeting this Wednesday, 2/22/12, so don't forget to pack a note informing your child's teacher that she will be attending a Daisy/Girl Scout meeting after school.  Here are a few other things she'll need to bring to the meeting:

- Two "Marshmallow on a Stick" SWAPS
- Spring Lambing Permission Slips and Fee (if you haven't already submitted this yet)
- Girl Scout Cookie orders

Thanks for your help!  See everyone Wednesday!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

SWAP update

Good morning everyone! The other Daisy troop recently informed us that they prefer us to exchange one type of SWAP with their troop. To comply with their request and in preparation for our next joint meeting on 2/22, we will need every Daisy to make the SWAP pictured below. We call this the "roasting marshmallow" SWAP. It's very simple to make; the only thing you will need for this SWAP is a glue gun.

Maila will be in front of the school today after dismissal distributing a very simple kit your girl will need to complete this SWAP. Let us know if you have any questions! Thanks in advance for your help and cooperation in this activity!

Monday, February 6, 2012


Here are some pictures of a few kinds of SWAPS that the girls made on Saturday.  You'll see that they are cute little trinkets that each girl can attach to their tunic and "swap" with another girl scout.  If you're not the creative type, I know that Michael's sells a kit that makes it easy to make these SWAPs.  Here's a link to a product on their site, but I know I've seen them available in the Watchung location.  If you have any others to share to inspire any of us who are creatively challenged, send them my way!

February Update!


We are postponing our originally scheduled meeting from February 15 to NEXT WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22.  The joint meeting we originally planned to have last month with the other School One Daisy Troop is now set for that date; that is the reason for the change.

In preparation for this joint meeting, we are trying to gather ahead of time to make additional SWAPS (Special Watchamacallits Affectionately Pinned Somewhere).  If your girl was NOT able to attend the SWAP event last Saturday, she will need to make at least THREE (or more) SWAPs to trade with the girls in the other troop.  I will follow up with another blog post with some more detailed guidelines and suggestions to help your Daisy along in this.

How are your cookie sales going?  Please feel free to comment below with your progress or questions.  It would probably be an encouragement to us all to see everyone's progress so far!

Petal Patches

Here's n a photo of how the petal patches should look on your Daisy's tunic.  You should have received a progress report from Maila to help you along in knowing which patches should be affixed to the tunic.  Don't fret if your daughter is missing some!  There will be an opportunity for her to make those up before the summer!