Monday, February 6, 2012

February Update!


We are postponing our originally scheduled meeting from February 15 to NEXT WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22.  The joint meeting we originally planned to have last month with the other School One Daisy Troop is now set for that date; that is the reason for the change.

In preparation for this joint meeting, we are trying to gather ahead of time to make additional SWAPS (Special Watchamacallits Affectionately Pinned Somewhere).  If your girl was NOT able to attend the SWAP event last Saturday, she will need to make at least THREE (or more) SWAPs to trade with the girls in the other troop.  I will follow up with another blog post with some more detailed guidelines and suggestions to help your Daisy along in this.

How are your cookie sales going?  Please feel free to comment below with your progress or questions.  It would probably be an encouragement to us all to see everyone's progress so far!