Tuesday, February 14, 2012

SWAP update

Good morning everyone! The other Daisy troop recently informed us that they prefer us to exchange one type of SWAP with their troop. To comply with their request and in preparation for our next joint meeting on 2/22, we will need every Daisy to make the SWAP pictured below. We call this the "roasting marshmallow" SWAP. It's very simple to make; the only thing you will need for this SWAP is a glue gun.

Maila will be in front of the school today after dismissal distributing a very simple kit your girl will need to complete this SWAP. Let us know if you have any questions! Thanks in advance for your help and cooperation in this activity!


  1. Olivia and Ivana go into after care right from dismissal. Would they still be able to get the kit or does something else need to be arranged by us? thanks, Joe (Olivia's dad)

    1. Maila will keep that in mind... I will also be at dismissal to help her out do I'll be sure the aftercare bunch gets everything too!

  2. Thanks...please keep Jenai and Mackenzie in mind.


    1. Maila said that she gave the kits to Mackenzie and Jenai. Did J get hers?
